Dear Granny and Grandpa
I am very pleased Graham decided I needed to live with Bones - it is much nicer here than there and she is looking a bit chubby so I am planning to walk her to fitness. I think I came just in time! She keeps complaining about her muscles but I keep telling her it is a good pain (thanks for that tip Grandpa, it works a treat!).
Apparently I 'stank' when I got here, so I have been unceremoniously stuck under the tap and shampoo'd - within 24hours of arriving I tell you. It seems to have done the trick, but I need to loose my thick wooly kennel coat soon or I will be too warm.
After my rinse throught Mark and Maffi had some bacon Sandwiches, Mark has a dog called Stanley who is very very funny. I decided I would like to play with Stanley but I have to be on the lead so it isn't very easy. Not to worry though, I gave Mark a 'look' and he persuaded Bones to let me off the lead on the proviso that Mark caught me if I ran off. Pah, like I was going to run off!
We had a great time frollicking around the water point until Stanley had a great idea! We decided to leg it over to the other side of the fence, and when Bones and Mark started to have apperplexi about me running away, we would run back - what a hoot - we legged it onto the other side of the fence, but I hadn't quite realised how exciting it would be over there, so I ran into the yard as Bones clutched her chest and Mark came racing after me, followed by Stanley. It was frightfully exciting as there was another dog in there to play with who worked out that if he chased me I skipped and played and then ran away, then came back. Anyway, it got a bit boring so I came home in the end. What a sight - Bones was pale with big white eyes and sitting in the ivy muttering something about Mark. Actually, when Mark got back he looked quite pleased to see me too.
I think I will stay on the lead for a bit longer - perhaps it is a good idea I learn my name first!
Lots of Love