Sunday, May 29, 2016

Holidays Day 1..2... whatever

Time to dust the old blogger scape down and get blogging about my holidays.  HOLIDAYS! A REAL HOLIDAY! I LOVE holidays and I am loving this holiday. Once I recovered from carrying too much shopping down the towpath in one go (first world problems for which I am very thank fun) I was off.

I pulled the pins, bribed my friend heavily to get them to open the lift bridge for me, and there I was sailing off in to the distance. Tiller, blue skies, long thin water.

I was so chirpy by the time I moored up I thought I would pass out with delight. I sat in my chair staring out at Somerton meadows listening to bird song and watching cows frolic. Good heavens.... cows can frolic.

The whole relaxation in a chair thing lasted forever, for me - 20minutes if I recall - it was bliss  but then I did some jobs with the plumbing.A new kitchen tap to be precise.

Somerton Meadow is exquisit for such jobs.

I had a frightfully decadent lie in (not long enough according to the four legged companion) and tomorrow I will move on. Today however, I went on a trip with a friend!. We went to have a look at Barton Abbey Gardens. We stumbled upon the place a few months ago when I  wanted to visited the churchyard - it was such surprise visit. Despite living nearby this gem of a place had gone under my radar. The gardens were open as part of the RGS and were well worth a visit.  It was a beautiful setting, and I rather liked the greenhouse mechanisms.

Pictures will follow, but I am on a wind up 02 internet which has a different role in life that which I thought it had.

Tomorrow the dog and I head northwards.  When I get there I have some flooring to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodie you are having fun. I am on the T&M heading towards Burton on T. The DH Laurence home visit was splendid.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

Hi Bones, good to see you out and about and blogging again. You sound very relaxed and happy to be ON HOLIDAY! Enjoy!!
Carol and George wb Still Rockin’ x

8:11 AM  

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