Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Still Stupid!

I was so fed up with the lack of diesel, and not really too sure how to resolve the situation that I decided to take advantage of my extended stay in Cropredy and visit my cousin in-laws parents; it was a year since I saw them last and they are both very good company. Amazingly enough, they took me to Banbury to get some diesel. This leads me to my second top tip for a smooth holiday..

when you have a 5gallon or a 1gallon can; ALWAYS take the 5 gallon. 1 gallon is not enough.

Never mind - Cropredy is bless with three buses a day so I can have another go and doing fuel tomorrow.

In the meantime I am in peaceful tranquil Cropredy with a boat running its engine full pelt in front of me.... my equilibium is teetering on the bring of volotile chaos.


Blogger Keith Lodge said...

Awww Bones. Now you know you are definitely not stupid. These things could and do happen to anyone LOL.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

ah, yes - I was running low when I got on to the Caldon, discovered there were no places to top up my tiny diesel tank, and was cycling backwards & forwards into Leek with 5L containers on the back of my shopper bike...

Don't get me started on engines running all night. Argh. Why do people have boats if they don't like peace & quiet?!

9:21 PM  

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