Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I am allergic to many things thanks to an operation that went wrong when I was 10. When I was in my late teens I had another operation which went well until I was on my way home and collapsed in the lavatory whilst being sick - rather a difficult position to extract a long teenager from with a straight splinted leg!

Despite this experience I was not at all concerned about another operation - not least because I didn't think I would be having one. We arrived at the day surgery unit and were greeted by a rather flustered lady with perfect hair who would periodically entertain us all by running back to her desk from some errand (they were short staffed). After being shuffled and poked, the surgeon decided that surgery was a necessity and I was eventually shown into the most amazing cubical with a chair from space. The lady opposite me had managed to get hers to recline and produce a foot-stool. All I could do was get mine to tip me out. I tried to trade chairs to no avail, but eventually managed to get it to behave. A long wait ensued, where Maffi and I played rediculous games - I love the one 'I went to market and I bought....' then you chose a musical instrument to match the letters of the alphabet. Playing this with a londoner is fantastic. First off we bought an 'arpsicord.

I was given a gown and some socks, got changed and was whisked off into the sunset with the anaesthetist before I had come to terms with my new attire and the reality of the situation. I didn't have time to be concerned or worried about the op. Next thing I knew was I was waking up and ready for some sandwiches.

Anaesthetics really have come along a long way since I last had them. No sickness and no worry.

The hand is expected to make a full recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hand may recover but what of you ? Take it easy while you can Lady W and let your hand maiden do all the work. I'll be round on her day off.


1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi! what about me I am the one thart exposed my brain in a good cause.

9:27 PM  
Blogger MortimerBones said...

it was just a cut on your head. You didn't even get concussion OR need stiches.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I will make no comment about "What brain??" oops and I said I wouldn't do that. Hee Hee!


3:13 PM  

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