Thursday, June 29, 2006


I have had the quote for the repairs, and subject to a phone call this evening with the gas man I think I will go ahead with getting it all fixed up. There is a chance he can do it next week!

I am getting very restless and I am keen to get out to do some cruising - at this rate I will have to have an imaginary cruise with a daily report of my antics!

The hire boats along the way from me are in good business at the moment, the last couple of weeks have seen a steady flow of holidayers - but hardly any actually move the boat away from the mooring for the duration of their stay!!! Quite amazing - a narrowboat holiday without going anywhere - what is the point of that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Bones :)
Hope you get your gas sorted soon and you can get away cruising a bit!

You must be dying to use your new shiny cooker after all this time!

4:11 PM  
Blogger MortimerBones said...

Too true! I am itching to get out onto the river. the gas man is coming on friday..... although it is expensive the gas man is doing me a good deal and I will be pleased to have it all sorted and know it is ok!

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand owners not going cruising but hirers?

5:58 PM  

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