Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heyford to Aynho

On Saturday morning the day started with the launch of the Muddy Waters boats. They are absolutely stunning and everyone I know who went there had a great time.  I had an even better time because Mo and his two children (12 and 10) turned up!

After a quick look around I pulled the pins and headed for Aynho…well, it WAS raining so it was a shame not to make use of the fabulous weather and go cruising.

Chris Wren did the lift bridge for me and so I thought I had made a brilliant start to the cruise – well, I had, but around the corner a boat was adrift:


then a tree was down but there was just enough room to squeeze slowly by:


Boots was surprisingly alert:


and the skies were fabulous, again:



I met crew at Somerton Deep lock which was fantastic as they locked me through – thanks! I enjoyed the view from the bottom of the lock for a change:


The lift bridge was left UP which was great!


I should have looked to see whether there was a key in the mechanism

And then I arrived in Aynho where some friends helped me moor up as the wind was rather blustery and kept pushing me over to the other side of the canal.

In the evening I dined at the Great Western Arms with two friends; putting the world to rights and catching up. It was lovely. The ladies Lavs were a sight to be beheld. Every wall was covered in notes:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the Muddy Waters books appropriate for a 2 year old? Was thinking of getting some for my step-nephew... from Annie's tea room or somewhere a bit closer to the centre of oxford... xx eli

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are very colourful and the stories simple.

2:06 PM  

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