Friday, July 25, 2008

Painting: Maffi deserves a medal

I painted half the boat last week and added a lovely dark gray panel and a good bit of dark gray trim. Then I winded the great ship and returned under the bridge in order to paint the other side. By tuesday I had done the side, but there was still the trim, the decks and the panels to be marked up and painted. On wednesday I didn't do any painting because of the trip to the Auction (albeit the wrong week!), and then a visit to Andy off Khayamanzi, so I was really beginning to wonder whether I would be able to get all the painting done before my 14days were up, and it was time to move on.

However, while I was in London yesterday doing the 'art thing' Maffi was busy painting my boat. The man deserves a medal! Not only does the boat look stunning, but he did it with his bad eye, AND he cleared up the front deck in preparation for more painting which he is doing today! Painting the boat deserves a medal in itself, but he deserves another medal for finding the paint and the brushes in the first place!!!!

Painting really is a thankless task, so a very very big THANK YOU to Maffi.


Blogger Halfie said...

I look forward to seeing the new look boat some time... is it dark grey like Warrior?

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he deserves a bit more than 'a medal' don't you?
All that painting and all with one eye too.
Surely he should be treated to a nice Sunday lunch at least!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO not me!

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your modesty does you credit young man.

10:59 PM  

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