Thursday, April 03, 2014


I decided I would add some insulation to the bedroom. My lovely friend 8ch had a bit of a bubble wrap insulation frenzy a couple of years ago. He loved the stuff so much he lined his slippers out with it.  The success story was so incredible  that I decided I would add some bubble wrap to my bedroom ceiling.  I had a roll of it in the workshop waiting to be used and this afternoon in-between doing sums I found myself with a handy 'sticking bubble wrap in the ceiling' break.

It took a bit longer than I expected.  When I took the lining down there were a few gaps in the insulation already there. The solution was simple - spray foam, especially as I had a tin of the stuff.

Everything was going swimmingly well.

I positioned myself and sprayed away.  I was incredibly careful not to get any on me until I suddenly realised I had somehow, heaven knows how, got it stuck in my hair.  When such things happen there is only one thing to do.


So I did. I panicked straight into the bathroom with shampoo and water.

It wasn't terribly effective because I couldn't see the spray foamed mass  as it was at the back of my head and I wasn't really getting anywhere.  I needed help.  With visions of shaving my head and wondering if that was such a bad thing, I decided I needed to make an effort to get the stuff out.  I levered my neighbour out of his boat to come and assist - I handed him my thinners and a rag and eventually I managed to get it all out.  Copious amounts of shampoo followed to get rid of the thinners too.

What a pain.

Anyway. I finished the job without any further ado.  I think it went OK.

but I still smell of thinners.


Blogger John Witts said...

I'm glad it isn't just me..........


8:52 PM  
Anonymous Ann Street AKA Haggis said...

A supermarket poly bag tied over your hair is a good idea - not very elegant though - when you are working on the ceiling of a boat! I learned this when removing lots of rust etc form our canal society boat when we were renovating it.

8:59 PM  
Blogger A Rival Wild Pyramid said...

For those who have not had their first laugh of the day....

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not safe to be let out on your own!

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not safe to be let out on your own!

12:40 AM  
Blogger eeyore said...

I absolutely love your DIY tales. You're an inspriration and pathfinder. You show us how! Oh,and how not!

9:33 PM  

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