Friday, January 02, 2009

The last week or so

After a glorious time in London on Boxing day with various members of the ancestoral clan I returned home to find Dominic M from the canalworld forum moored up in the vicinity. We had a bit of a party aboard Dominic and Helen's great ship with PJ and Ocelot's daughter, Maffi and the lovely folks upon Bella (Elizabeth and Pete). Turns out Elizabeth is an interested character with an eclectic mix of interests, and Pete has funky hair. Dominic is a card, and Helen is sheer joy, so it was a lovely evening. Bella rested the following day, along with Helen, but we had Dominic came out to play the following evening and met us for a bevvy and chat in the local hostillery.

Then I headed over to Surrey to check that WeepingCross was still in order, and dined with him and the lovely John and Caroline - they are adorable (especially as Caroline came armed with meringues).


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