Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Get a grip

Have you seen this?When will this country, and the CSA, start paying attention to fathers? I have looked into the CSA over recent months, and all I can see is an unfair, wishy washy, set up that is based on whims and fancies set to screw up peoples lives; that of fathers, and of children. Not only that, but they seem to make the rules up as they go along. The whole system needs a jolly good slap. I will write more about it sometime, but not now, because I am fuming. Fathers are being made homeless, and being pushed to the brink. The CSA was set up for something it is NOT doing today. This, I think, is unacceptable. What is worse, is that these fathers have no-one to turn to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has ever been thus - since Ros Hepplewhite set it up in her own image it has bled the fathers white to the extent that they can no longer be true fathers to their children.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my girl friend has 4 children thir father has not contributed a halfpenny to their upbringing and she is in debt. the courts estimate he owes her about 14000 pounds. this scheme was set up so that mothers could get some contribution from fathers it has not worked, but it was set up with good intentions.There are 2 sides to every story.

12:55 AM  
Blogger S said...

Well, I have little sympathy with F4J and their antics; those of their members they choose to represent them seem to be generally obnoxious characters who are usually involved in waging war with their ex and using their children and their money as weapons. My experience of the CSA is that it's very efficient in chasing the money if it means getting the parent with care of the children off benefit, but they don't give a damn otherwise. They could certainly do a better job, but I don't think either of those links suggests that they are deserving of anything like the opprobium that they get, and the razor blades and shit their low paid workers get sent in the post.

11:42 AM  
Blogger MissT said...

I agree with Jo Blogs - the CSA was set up with very good itentions. There are LOTS of Fathers who leave their ex-partners and kids in the lurch. However, their 'one size fits all' approach just hasn't worked.

It's always when it hasn't worked that make a 'good story' or should that be bad story?

In the end both men and women, Fathers and Mothers, can and do behave badly - and those with the best of intentions aren't helped by our adversarial court system.

Splitting up 'well', is a very difficult thing, especially when children and money are involved.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL stories have two sides to them and NEVER NEVER NEVER believe that which appears in the newspapers as it is very rarely related to either of them. Sorry not even in the Mail on Sunday.

9:30 PM  

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