Friday, December 21, 2007

Granny on Ice

Andrew Denny has been suffering from the lurgy but has still managed to read the blogs of other boaters which all mention the ice... I don't suppose it made him feel any better to realise that we are all iced in, and Granny Buttons is not being tended to.

Don't worry Andrew. Bones hasn't had a fire for a few days and is still in tact... I was going to light one last night but decided against it. I was concerned that the water in the pipes would be frozen, and thus frozen all night, UNLESS I lit a fire which would warm the pipes, defrost the water and cause a delicious flow of water. I would rather this happened in the day time than the nighttime! Anyway, the water is still in the pipe and unfrozen, so it hasn't been that cold!

I love it when the canal is frozen over; the sound the boats move through it is simply magical. I wonder if it was the same sound that Alice made when she went through the looking glass. I hope so


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's more the sound of Alice going beserk in a looking glass factory with a sledgehammer, but exciting all the same! (But not worth the damage it does!)
Hope you are warm enough, though I'm in awe of your hardiness in not lighting the fire. Respect!
- Carrie

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet she had a big hot water bottle to keep her warm know what i mean wink wink


3:08 AM  

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