Thursday, November 01, 2007


The bathroom has more trim and I have finally cased in the electrics which tidies things up a bit. It took me ages to decide how to do it, and I think I have it right, so I will do the rest of them over the winter.

I also have a lovely table top from the skip which will be ideal for the dining room. The current one is square and takes up a bit too much space, and although it is ideal for dinner square isn't a very good shape for working - which is something I need to do a bit more of at home, and that involves spreading all sorts of things around. If I manage to do it properly, I will be able to attach the table so that it folds away easily which will enable me to use my dining room as a garage over winter; it is about time I got my BSA bantam back on the road! Then, in spring it will be time to tackle a dinnette type arrangement.


Blogger MissT said...

Oh dear - when I first read this I thought it said "the bathroom is more trim" - imagine my disappointment!

2:36 PM  
Blogger MortimerBones said...

ah but Miss T the bathroom is delightful! You must come and peruse it.. I can even lend you my lovely rose tinted spectacles!!!!

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bathroom to be proud of Miss T (accept the RC Glasses they will help).

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A piano hinge is a good way to fix your table to the wall.

5:56 PM  

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