Tuesday, October 30, 2007

One just has to laugh!

So, picture the scene. Bones, the cleaning ladies and nathan are in the cupboard. Michelle and Nathan are on either side of the table, and Ange and I are sitting in low slung chairs facing them (Ange is on her new skip-rescued chair which she just loves). I can't see Ange because the fridge is standing tall between us. We are having a lovely intense chat about the meaning of life and the room is silent as I put my two pence in. Nathan starts to chuckle, and Michelle continues to be serious, but I can detect some amusement on her face. Eventually it all becomes clear when Michelle tells me Ange fell through the seat of her chair and was then sitting there with her knees up to her chin pretending nothing happened. End of chat, beginning of enormous laughter!

This is what I love about the ladies (and Nathan), they are just so random.


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