Sunday, January 20, 2008

Claremont Gardens

This afternoon I headed south of the river to visit a chum. We took a stroll around Claremont Gardens imagine my excitement when I noticed the Grotto on the map.

Unfortunately you couldn't walk around the Grotto, so we stopped in the bushes and tried to take a picture, but it was pretty hard to stretch out to get a good view. My chum then spotted a bit of the ground that stretched out into the lake that would give him a good view... Unfortunately it wasn't a piece of land, Oh how I giggled!

but rather amusingly just around the corner was a beautiful flat piece of ground to stand on.. the point marking A is where we were when James encountered a 'splash' and B is the far more sensible area.

and here is my chum on that lovely grass bit!

there were some lovely places around the gardens a tower on the island which we couldn't access. When I am 80 or so I will be able to swim across without getting arrested.

I think I might apply to be a hermit and live here:

but I loved this - it looks rather like a brain:


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